The Red Cross helpline is operated by advisors with extensive experience in supporting individuals who are subjected to negative social control, honor-related violence, forced marriage, being left abroad, female genital mutilation.
Extreme Social Control
Do your parents dictate your free time? Do they control your mobile phone and laptop? Do they decide what clothes you can wear? Is the control so strong that it hinders your daily life from functioning with friends, homework, extracurricular activities, and such?
Honour-Based Violence
Do you experience strict control, pressure, or threats? Are you subjected to violence from your family or others due to honor? Has your family excluded you because of choices you have made?
Forced Marriage
Does your family want you to get married? Have they chosen a spouse for you? Is it difficult to say no? Are you afraid of disappointing them? Do you fear losing your family?
Female genital mutilation (FGM)
Are you subjected to or at risk of female genital mutilation (FGM)? Are you experiencing physical and/or psychological distress due to the procedure? Are you seeking information on where to access healthcare services? Are you concerned about someone you know undergoing FGM?
Secret Identity
Do you have a secret boyfriend/girlfriend? A mobile phone that your family doesn't know about? Do you feel torn between your family's desires for your future and your own ambitions? Are you anxious that your hidden identity might be exposed?
Abandoned Abroad
Are you going on a vacation and afraid you might not return? Do you fear being forced into a marriage during a trip abroad or being subjected to other forms of violence? Are you being forced to stay abroad against your will? Do you have friends who have been abandoned abroad?
Negative Social Control in Closed Religious Communities
Do you live with anxieties surrounding the end of the world, evil forces, demons, or fear that you won't achieve eternal life? Have you been expelled from the congregation because of the choices you have made? Are you afraid that you won't live up to the expectations the religious community has for you?
Security and Support in a Mentor Family
Red Cross Mentor Family is a service for individuals over 18 years of age who have experienced extreme social control, forced marriage, or other forms of honour-related violence. A mentor family offers young people a sense of belonging, a space to share daily experiences, and experience empowerment and security.
The Mentor Family is an activity that matches you with a volunteer. The volunteer provides support and assistance to individuals who have faced extreme social control and honour-related violence at the hands of someone close to them, such as family members, social circles, religious communities, and others.